Beautiful Smiles For Life

Tel: 020 7487 5221

Composite Bonding

You only have to go online or pick up a magazine nowadays to see another reality star having had a set of unnatural looking veneers. What many people don’t realise is there’d a less invasive treatment which delivers much more natural results.

Composite bonding is a fantastic way to achieve natural aesthetic results and restore any imperfections which you may not have been happy with for some years including:

  • Permanently stained teeth
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Gaps between your teeth
  • Misshapen or crooked teeth
  • Discoloured or damaged fillings

From our perspective one of the main benefits of this treatment is that it is minimally invasive, which you may realise is not the case for porcelain veneers which can require quite a large portion of the original teeth to be filed away. I’m sure at this stage most of us have seen some of the press coverage of certain celebrities having rather unsightly shark like teeth before the final veneers are placed.

As a practice we like to ensure patients have a healthy smile and teeth, for life, so this really is not how we’d like to give a patient the smile they have always desired. We want to do it in a caring way which will not only ensure the teeth look great, but that they are healthy and fully functioning.

We use a synthetic resin, which is the same tooth coloured material used to make ‘white’ fillings. Basically, the material is layered and sculpted directly to the tooth which creates a beautiful and natural looking result. We can do this in one appointment and there’s no need to send anything off to the dental laboratory and wait for it to return. With regular maintenance (including annual polishing) the results can last for many years. They also look incredibly natural, and most importantly, as stated above, there’s no need to remove great portions of the original tooth.

If you have always wanted to improve your smile by repairing an unsightly chipped or cracked tooth, or indeed making it straighter or brighter then composite bonding may be for you. Simply call reception on 020 7487 5221 and book a consultation.