Dental Veneers.
Why does everyone want a perfect brilliant smile?
A healthy smile is based on natural principals of balance and proportion. By rejuvenating your smile following these principals and with the latest in dental veneer techniques and materials, aesthetic dentistry gives you the beautiful, natural smile you have always desired.
- The smile that conveys confidence, both personally and professionally.
- The smile that allows you to laugh more and be more vibrant and youthful.
- The smile that looks fabulous wherever you go, whatever you do.

Veneers - Before

Veneers - After
Beauty can be measured, enhanced and created. The perfect smile for your face delivered using the latest thin, yet incredibly strong ceramic veneers. Having worked with the technique since its introduction over 25 years ago I have been fortunate to deliver thousands of beautiful veneers, I have experienced the evolution and refinement of the technology to the superb materials available today. You can be confident of being in very safe, experienced hands and perhaps best of all, the process is simple, gentle and long lasting.
You can have the smile you’ve always wanted, with dental veneers from the London Holistic Dental Centre.

Veneers - Before